record earnings

美 [ˈrekərd ˈɜːrnɪŋz]英 [ˈrekɔːd ˈɜːnɪŋz]
  • 创纪录的收益
record earningsrecord earnings
  1. Toyota says it 's sticking by its full year forecasts and analysts say the company is on course for an eighth straight year of record earnings .


  2. And even after the loss , it is still expected to earn more than $ 4 billion in the current quarter , and produce record earnings for the year .


  3. Unlike peers in the US and Europe , Macquarie has reported record earnings and has recorded no material write down of credits linked to the US subprime mortgage market .


  4. ( the company reported record earnings for fiscal 2010 , with earnings per share up 138 % on a 15 % gain in revenues , and then broke its own record in the first quarter of fiscal 2011 . )


  5. And so far , the results have been positive both for employee health and for the company 's financial bottom line : During the six months that Salo took part in a Mayo Clinic treadmill desk study , the firm experienced record earnings .


  6. At about $ 6bn , its market capitalisation is roughly where it was five years ago , and analysts expect it to report net profit for last year of about $ 530m . This is slightly higher than the 2010 figure , but nearly a quarter below its record earnings of 2012 .


  7. On January 29 2008 the firm reported record yearly earnings of $ 4bn for the previous year .


  8. Blue Chip A company which has a long record of earnings growth and dividend payments as well as a reputation for quality management .


  9. The bank reported record third-quarter earnings and took relatively small markdowns on collateralised debt obligation positions .


  10. The strength of the business was abundantly clear on March17th , when it announced record first-half earnings .


  11. Studies reveal that companies with restatement in corporate reports tend to record unsatisfactory earnings , rapid asset growth , fewer cases of auditory committee and poor audit quality .


  12. He said the Munich-based maker of BMW , Rolls-Royce and Mini vehicles remained on course to achieve record sales and earnings in 2012 .


  13. BMW reiterated guidance that it aims to achieve record sales and pre-tax earnings this year .


  14. Only a year ago Patriot was posting record revenue and operating earnings and embarking on a plan called the ' Met Built-Out ' to open new metallurgical mines and hire up to 200 new miners .
